No Science. Just nothing ..

Mark Rothko’s tightly identified with New York school, which was a circle of artists who emerged in American art a new collective voice during the 1940s.

He created an impassioned and new form of the abstract paintings, and had a career which spanned five decades. Rothko’s work is marked by his attention to elements such as composition, color, shape, depth, scale, and balance. In his works, open structure, large scale, and thin layers.
A compositional format he had introduced by 1949 he continued to develop all over his career. Composed of several rectangular forms, vertically aligned, set within colored fields, his „image“ appears in a remarkable diversity. 

Rothko’s later classic paintings are characterised by an simplified use of form, expanding dimensions and thin, broad washes of color. Color, for that his work is maybe most celebrated. 

There is no such thing as good painting about nothing.

Mark Rothko

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