I, You, He, She, We Can!

Thank you so very much, for being a child at heart! And your huge enthusiasm, your writing of & for art!

Perhaps it’s the best thing of all not to settle in, but instead to see both sides – even opposites – to live, just to be! Like, for example, being a police officer and a police counterpart in equal measure; or an art historian and artist in one. In Germany. In America. Abroad.
Maybe that’s a way of understanding something completely different. To be an adult and a child at the same time. Me and you. You and me. We. Just who likes ..

Like „take it or leave it“. To be grateful for inspiration. Just ride! and see, listen, read, feel … Soak it all up! and express, share with the world. Maybe the greatest gift – from me, from you, everybody.


März 2023.

Don‘t go to museums with a destination. Museums are wormholes to another world. They are ecstasy machines.

Jerry Saltz

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PetissaPan studiert interessiert & neugierig das Leben, und schafft nebenher, leidenschaftlich und fleissig Kreativität, Text & Mode. Sie geht mit offenen Augen & Sinnen durch die Welt, und saugt Inspirierendes & Bereicherndes auf. PetissaPan ist und kreiert leicht, weich, romantisch, verspielt und wunderbar verträumt. Is your world little to mainstream? PetissaPan created an own.

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