Hey Guys! Gay Guys!

Louis Fratino has emerged as a leading voice for a new generation of gay artist.

Oliver Koerner von Gustorf für Blau International
The 6th issue of the Magazine.

Art by Louis Fratino:

Stark und weich zugleich.

Schmückend. Geschwungen. Konkav-konvex und in sich fügend, sich findend.

Dazu stets melancholisch angehaucht.

(Beschreibe – den Ausdruck der Bilder – ich.)

Our parents tell us: do something sensible, work at a factory, get a job, play some sport, go to war. Us little fairies say: no, I need this vase, this piece of fabric, this poem by Arthur Rimbaud or Emily Dickinson, just like you need bread or baseball. „Us,“ that is all the little gay boys, or at least the boys other people think will someday turn out gay, boys who prefer running around with a dog, or poring over books of art or history, to playing with the kids next door.

O. Koerner v. Gustorf. f. Blau International

Drawing was always a way for me to go to the other side. Not that I was unhappy.

Louis Fratino

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