Imagine there‘s no Heaven

Francine Tint’s exhibition „The Sky is a Mirror“ is currently represented at Upsilon Gallery . 23 East 67th Street . 

Well, you’re allowed to see in art whatever you want to see. Escape the reality, imagine the impossible, and dream yourself away, interpret, feel, escape.

Art like the clouds on the horizon. Wonderful soft in certain ways. Fluffy. White. Innocent. 

That is what you might see if you look at Francine’s art. The surface is not even, and we follow both deeply touched and curious valleys and hills. 

There are some transparent elements woven in it. 

There’s room to breath.

There is some light, a little bid of shadow, too. 

Who did tell you that clouds can’t be clouds if their colourful, too? Every artist will tell you that it’s not white he uses to create the horizon. Imagine the impossible. Explore all the different kinds of material Francine is using. 

A body. A cloud. Love on a canvas. 

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PetissaPan studiert interessiert & neugierig das Leben, und schafft nebenher, leidenschaftlich und fleissig Kreativität, Text & Mode. Sie geht mit offenen Augen & Sinnen durch die Welt, und saugt Inspirierendes & Bereicherndes auf. PetissaPan ist und kreiert leicht, weich, romantisch, verspielt und wunderbar verträumt. Is your world little to mainstream? PetissaPan created an own.

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