Contemporary American & Co.

You might say: „It’s a girl!“ the artist – Caitlin Keogh – and the naked human being behind that beautifully arranged light blue ribbon, to the left of that light-light-light blue flower. And: „It reminds me of Magritte,“ the Belgian surrealist painter.
And I might respond: „Yes, that’s what I read about who the artist is inspired by.“

The artist is currently represented in Los Angeles at Overduin & Co. gallery, and she is inspired by a lot more art and artists than „only“ by Magritte.
Caitlin’s art is characterized by the contrast between color, and the black and white elements, like old antique sculptures or drawn people who remind us, with their extravagant hairstyles, of the Belle Epoque, of France in the 18th century, patrons, power, and millions. In the background of the picture; there is so much! veils, books, a magic wand, a scepter.

But what’s that? A mysterious fruit in green and pink, a mischievous devil presenting his backside playfully, a goat, a couple of colorful pheasants, a shy rabbit.
What’s the snail about, and this pipe, is it a pipe or „ceci n’est pas une pipe“?

A dreamland, intertwined, with the foreground and background connected by strings, underscored by beautifully flowing script.

„Everything you can imagine is real?“

Have it all!

Caitlin is inspired by the artists of the German Renaissance, the Dutch Renaissance, Dürer, Holbein, by tapestries in France in the 19th century, and fruits, and animals, and creatures of art history. Is that what makes her art so contemporary?

Her preciousness is definitely from another world, and there is so much humor and beauty to see, as well as Caitlin’s love for the old masters. It’s such a wonderful connection between European art history and the contemporary American world.

It’s a bridge.

It’s adorable.

And it’s a rainbow of diversity. Love that!

Overduin & Co. 6693 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles . CA 90028 .
current exhibition : Caitlin Keogh . “Gate and Keyhole.

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PetissaPan studiert interessiert & neugierig das Leben, und schafft nebenher, leidenschaftlich und fleissig Kreativität, Text & Mode. Sie geht mit offenen Augen & Sinnen durch die Welt, und saugt Inspirierendes & Bereicherndes auf. PetissaPan ist und kreiert leicht, weich, romantisch, verspielt und wunderbar verträumt. Is your world little to mainstream? PetissaPan created an own.

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