Gesucht . Gefunden

Im Guggenheim.


To visualize a solution
is what matters: to
make visible that
which still does not
exist outside of me.

Gego aka Gertrud Goldschmidt . *1912 in Hamburg

I use the lines to define spaces, to define space itself.


Art is firmly rooted in spiritual values. The creator is involved in a continuous process of discovery—not of himself, but of the roots of the universe which he has been able to discover within himself.


For me the entire experience of viewing a work is always based on a kind of circulation or choreography through the space. This is something that I think comes from an architectural way of seeing.

Sarah Sze . *1969 in Boston

This idea of surface, what’s below the surface and what’s above the surface, is very interesting.

Sarah Sze

I‘m interested in the idea of sculpture as a tool to understand where we are in time, in the world.

Sarah Sze

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PetissaPan studiert interessiert & neugierig das Leben, und schafft nebenher, leidenschaftlich und fleissig Kreativität, Text & Mode. Sie geht mit offenen Augen & Sinnen durch die Welt, und saugt Inspirierendes & Bereicherndes auf. PetissaPan ist und kreiert leicht, weich, romantisch, verspielt und wunderbar verträumt. Is your world little to mainstream? PetissaPan created an own.

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